Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Photo

CD RELEASE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex is going to perform at Nietzsches (on Allen Street in Allentown) on August 14th !!!!!!! The opening bands are Shapes of States and The Guilded Masters of House. There are going to be visuals produced by Jeff Garbaz. Alex is calling this show as her CD release party, so i'm sure it's going to be special! She is even thinking about breaking out her hoola hoop? Well hope to see you fellow Alex Kelly fans for the show.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Alex Kelly on you tube

There are some videos of Alex in her old band on you tube, the one I like the most is her singing live the song Serious Chemistry. There is a studio video for the song also, so make sure you find the live video. If you search for Alex Kelly Serious Chemistry it should come up.

Alex Kelly links


i http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sticky-butterfly/id376795065

N http://music.napster.com/alex-kelly-music/tracks/13119348#

Th http://digital.thinkindie.com/#


Alex Kelly Website

Hello again fellow Alex Kelly Fans, Alex has her own website now which is at Alexkellymusic.com. The website is full of photos, downloads, and information about Alex and her music. Alex has been working on some music videos which will also be on the website when there done. So go now and check it out and bookmark the page.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Review for Sticky Butterfly

Hello fellow Alex Kelly fans, if you didn't know yet Alex has released a awesome EP titled Sticky Butterfly. It is really great that Alex is out on her own making groovy music. Alex has such a great voice. Her singing will give you the chills on her song Stand (which is a powerful song). A fun song on the EP is Funky Hydrophonic her ode to (figure it out). Her vocal arrangement for this tune is far out (if you haven't heard it check it out on itunes). Alex's voice is sexy an dirty on What U Lookin At and Here We Go. Alex told me she would love people grinding against each other in a dark club listening to her sing, and these two songs would certainly make people do that. The hit from the album is going to be the title track Sticky Butterfly which gets caught in your head and just will not go away and you don't want it to stop. Alex did all the beats herself (she is so talented) and they all make you want to dance, dance,dance.